Sunday 6 April 2014

7th April - Tuktuk - Lake Toba - Indonesia photos uploading very s-l-o-w-l-y...

Monday 7th April

Yesterday was the Headlam Day Of Rest.

This was the view from his wicker chair
Pete declared that he was not going to make a single decision all day, and that possibly this would involve not even deciding to get out of bed at all.

You can see from this photo – Pete with yet another group of students keen to interview him as part of their university project for the weekend – that one of the decisions he made, once he did decide to get up, was a bad one.  He dressed in jeans, shoes socks… And it was NOT a cool day, like the day before, when it was a blissful 22 degrees ALL day.  It got above 30 so he had to make another decision – to get changed, before reclining in his chair on the little verandah with a contented sigh and a new Kindle book on his lap.

I quite enjoyed being in charge of decisions for the day, and I marched us out of Hariara and down the street to a lovely little restaurant called Maruba, with a thick jungle of garden full of delicious food – see above; I rest my case!

We were very happy with our delicious breakfast, our perfectly brewed tea and coffee, and our delightful host, Tom.  He bakes his own bread and roasts his own coffee, and the orange juice was freshly squeezed.  Oh and there was bacon – Pete nearly cried with joy.

Teresia and Zenetta
On our way back to Hariara we bought more phone top-up (which only lasted ten minutes…) and met a most delightful baby.

It is so nice to be back in Indonesia, where people are very keen for their children to be admired and photographed.  When I say I might put this photo on the internet, the parents beam with pride.

I spent a bit of time at the internet cafĂ©, very s-l-o-w-l-y but happily doing my bloggeries.  It was completely empty…no staff, no coffee, just some bottled water.  I helped myself to one of these – I was desperately thirsty and after an hour or so one of the waitresses turned up, smiling vaguely, and made me a beautiful cup of coffee.  She then vanished and eventually I left without having paid for water or coffee…I will go back tomorrow, with rupiah.

I went back to check on Reclining Pete and then set off for a walk, with my umbrella for shade.  It was all just lovely so I went a very long way and had to go slowly because…it was hot and the road is full of hazards…potholes, mudslides, large lumps of concrete.

So many beautiful bits of architecture, bits of nature.

And little posses of students wanting to interview me…

It will be quite a relief when they all go back to uni this morning.  They are delightful; but they all have the same list of questions and they do not like deviating from the script.  The girls this morning were a bit worried that I was out and about without my husband and they questioned me re this with furrowed brows.  I mimed sleeping and they were very relieved that somewhere on the island was a Protector for their new friend.

The Batak people are all Christian, as far as I can tell, and there are some very pretty churches nestled in the thick greenery.  Most of the people along the way waved, smiled, called out Horas but fortunately they didn’t all want to interview me… What do you think about Indonesia?  What are your hobbies?  These interviews are all videoed, on the students’ phones, by the way.  I have visions of a poor weary lecturer back at uni having to look at twenty episodes of Marguerite Walks the Street of Tuktuk. I am not a natural-born celebrity. But I did meet a natural-born celebrity on the way back!  Some young blokes were flirting away happily on the side of the road, with two hot chickybabes on a small motorbike.  One of the lads wanted to show off so he called out to me and tried to speak English, very confidently.  What do you think my name is, Miss?  I waited expectantly, sure he would let me know.  Tom Cruise of Indonesia!  I expressed an interest in taking a photo of such a fabulous person and he struck a dramatic pose.  He was mightily pleased with the result.  Handsome, eh? he said, complacently.

It is very hot and sunny today.  Maybe a swim in the lake?

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