Friday 25 April 2014

26th April - macaque monkeys - off on a small sailing adventure

Sunday 26th April

 We hear of many epic sailing adventures.  Most people here in Rebak marina have come from afar.  Some are happy to sit here, occasionally pootling off to Thailand, while others use it as a base to zoom away to the Indian Ocean, to Madagascar, around the wild seas of the Cape.  Irina told us about some people she met, in a large, solid wooden yacht, who had sailed from Siberia, through the pack ice.  It was terribly cold – maybe minus 50, that sort of extraordinary temperature.  They said, however, that the very coldest place was in the north of Japan – even colder than Siberia!  Imagine the contrast, coming from those icy waters to the warm seas surrounding Malaysia…

Yesterday afternoon we had a great downpour.  Angus was very satisfied – Monsoon! he said, happily.

Today we are off away again, to see the sea.  Maybe to the Lake of the Pregnant Maiden. * Then to the “fjords” to swim and take photos of seascapes and landscapes, birds and beasties – the photo competition is getting hotter!!

 The Boyz are happy for the new adventure, but they are also happy to be returning as often as possible to Rebak, which is now The Island.  Thank heavens for the German Bikes – they provide speedy transport for The Boyz from one side of The Island to the other.

 After lunch yesterday Gavin and Hamish rode around to explore the old glass factory behind the resort.  It is a large abandoned structure and is home to a large family of monkeys.  They aren’t in the least wary of humans and in fact sometimes stand their ground, snarling menacingly, so Peter and Misty have told us.  They have had the odd stand-off early in the morning on the jungle trail.  Mostly, I think, they regard us as a bit of a nuisance, clictkey clicking away on our digital cameras…

* Why, pray tell, do most religions have such an obsession with maidens???  Weird, huh?

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