Monday 14 April 2014

14th April - on the hard stand, Rebak marina

Monday 14th April

Today we left our cosy marina berth, B4, and moved UP in the world. 

We are now perched high above the marina on a hard stand and we have been excessively busy.  The efficient workers here scraped and blasted most of the gunk off the hulls but…not all of it… And a catamaran has not one but TWO big big hulls…  We scrubbed and sanded and tried to keep in the shade as much as possible.  I am very much not up to hard physical labor but…I kept on until the bitter end of the day, by which time I had so much blue paint on my face I made Pete laugh very happily.  (He was just as blue but maybe didn’t look as hilarious… I took a selfie but it is so ghastly – close-up, dirty, gritty, blue - that I am keeping it hidden in the depths of my computer.)

Tomorrow is painting day so we will be even bluer. 

And yes of course MacGyver Headlam fixed the engine!  And the freshwater pump which went on the blink, inexplicably… It took him till 1am but – YES!

Misty and Peter (The Slashers!) have very kindly invited us for dinner,on SV Tamoure.  They knew how buggered we would be...

How is Nicky?  I won’t go into details but she had surgery (appendix) today and I don’t really think she will make it to Langkawi on Friday, unless the doctors suddenly decide she has been miraculously cured of her very painful infection and is Ready For Action.  I am coping OK by just pretending All is Well

Today’s birthday – April is a very busy month - belongs to my long-time friend and colleague, Pauline Shelley.  Much water under the bridge…children, grandchildren, a husband or two… And many fabulous meals, much fascinating chat.

1 comment:

  1. We all need to see a photo of Bardy Blue, please! I am recovering well and a hoping to be on that plane!!!
