Saturday 19 April 2014

20th April - family reunion - Rebak marina - Vivanta resort (Langkawi)

Sunday 20th April

All is well!  The Wakefields are here…They went to bed at Langkawi 10pm – Tasmanian time midnight…totally whacked!

At lunchtime Hamish fell asleep, very dignified, at lunch.

 After many swims Angus nearly fell asleep in a hammock.

 I had a swim or two with my boys, who made me laugh a lot.

They both think that any place you can swim up to a bar and order drinks is THE BEST.  I followed them and found Hamish contemplating a pink concoction.  He kindly offered it to me…I was watermelon juice, which I love.  I asked why he didn’t like it.  He explained, Well it’s not what I expected.  It is just watermelon juice.  I thought it would be artificial and that it would taste like a lolly. was mine!

Nicky and Gavin’s friends from Grange School (Chile) days, Heather and Lance Baguley, arrived on the 2.30 ferry.  They have just one opportunity to be here at Vivanta Resort on Rebak and that is NOW. They have to leave at 5.00 this afternoon so there is a lot of high-speed catch-up and chat.  (No they did not fly here from Chile to be with the Wakefields for one night..they are now teaching at an international school in Penang, not far away a all.)

Heather, Nicky, Amy
The children were all extremely well behaved and stayed up till 10.00 with not a word of exhaustion or temper although some of them were EXTREMELY tired and starting to look like hollow-eyed ghouls.

Tom, Angus, Nina, Hamish, Amy - looking at a hornbill??
I was a very good hostess on 2XS and kept Nina and Tom creatively occupied…

We also enjoyed the company of Chilean Isabel, who is with the Baguleys for a while, as their Spanish speaking au pair.

Nina, Tom, Isabel
In the evening we went to the beach bar and Angus was the first to spot a hornbill.

Angus is first in line to win the wildlife section of our photo comp
Hamish followed suit with his first photo and everyone was fascinated by these lovely birds*.

Pretty good photo as well!!  (Hamish)
Everyone is able to sleep in as long as they need.  The Wakefields have brought bacon – a rare treat, in Malaysia!  They have also brought, upon request, Pete’s favourite MacLeans toothpaste, a large packet of Aspro Clear, and six beautiful new pairs of knickers for me.  Most of mine have all vanished as if into a vortex of dark matter…Katy bought them, with the help of Zoe (4) and Rose (2).  They had a most excellent time choosing the most fabulous colours and Katy managed to slip the most unacceptable skanky-ho ones back onto the racks…

Happy days!

* Another thing about hornbills – they are the only birds in the world to have…eyelashes!!!


  1. Glad to see that the Wakefields have arrived safely and it looks like a lovely place to be! Lovely photos of hornbills Hamish and Angus!

  2. There will be many more, Jacqui! The competition is hot!
