Tuesday 2 April 2013

3rd April - Gold Coast? - Melbourne Experience

Wednesday 3rd April

Not sure where 2XS is – the Gold Coast, I reckon.  I will update as soon as I hear.

When Katy and Jeff taught at an international school in Santiago (Chile) they met many wealthy families. Some of them had wonderful schemes for their children.

“Oh yes, when our children turn eight, we take them to Buenos Ayres.  And when they are ten, they get a trip to New York.”

Good-o…Why didn’t we all think of that?? 

Katy and Jeff have instituted a slightly modified version of this system.  When their children turn five, they get two nights in Melbourne with Katy.  And when they turn thirteen…well the jury is out but maybe they will go on a skiing holiday with Jeff.  Perfect!

At this very moment Katy is in Melbourne with Eva, at the theatre, watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  We got a message at interval – it is, apparently, fantastic.  And we have just seen a photo of Eva, blissed out, in her theatre seat with a big chocolate-y Magnum  This morning they went shopping for new winter boots for Eva.  She was very polite to the shop assistant, who didn’t listen at all when Eva said, “this one fits really well but the other one is a bit tight.  A bit uncomfortable…”  They left the shop with Eva silent and brave, limping… Eventually she said, a bit tearfully, “Mummy, I think I saw something white inside my boot.  It REALLY isn’t very comfortable.”  So they investigated and Katy found, stuffed into the offending boot, a large wad of tissue – poor Eva must have had a very squashy foot indeed…

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