Friday 12 April 2013

14th April - Gloucester passage - sea eagle - James and Rachel

Saturday 14th April

A day of leisure…neither Pete nor I have had such a thing for many months.  He has been racing up the coast on 2XS for the past few weeks, and prior to this was as busy as a bee in a bottle getting both his life and his boat organised.

This morning we left Woodwark Bay at a civilised hour and got to a beautiful anchorage in Gloucester Passage at an equally civilised hour ie in time for lunch.  And there to greet us, soaring overhead, was a lone white-bellied sea eagle.

I went for a very quick swim and enjoyed it very much.  Not a stinger nor a crocodile to be seen or felt!  We did ask a man bobbing around in a small fishing boat, and he said that the stingers would probably have been discouraged by the recent rain.  Or words to that effect…I couldn’t really hear him very well, but I was confident enough to get in the sparkly warm blue water.  For a quick dip…

Pete very much enjoyed his weeks with Rachel and James.  The three of them were a great team.  I got a text from Rachel this morning…she said she was in bed with the newspapers but that – oh indeed – she would rather be sailing.

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