Saturday 25 January 2014

24th January - I deleted this just now...sigh sigh...

Friday 24th January

Pete and I are having two days of relative inactivity.  To our great surprise, the lack of having to be up and GOGOGOing means that we have been sleepsleepsleeping… At 10am and Pete was still in Sleepyboboland; I only woke up at 9.15. 

No we didn’t have a particularly late night.   We spent the day reasonably busy but not needing to go very far from 2XS.  Our new berth, D3 is VERY close to the big pavilion containing the ablutions block.  Wonderful!  I no longer have to get on a bike and rush down pontoons and along the path to get to the toilet.  I can just stroll up the gangplank and a few steps further, and there it is.  Last time, on A19, we were as far as possible from any of the facilities.  It was all very nice and private but…inconvenient.

I did some washing and cleaning, at a leisurely pace, and went down to the beach to do internet things.  The rest of the afternoon I sat in a shady position on the deck, listening to podcasts (the ABC Conversation/ interview with Kate McClymont was particularly interesting) and knitted, while watching people get on and off the ferries.   Then I dealt with my horrid fingernails and made them a bit more presentable.   A hard day’s night

Pete in the meantime sat motionless at the table, struggling with our recalcitrant printers (yes we have two…sometimes neither of them will obey their job description) and doing bookwork.  He is set to do much the same today.   My job is to keep up the fluids; he forgets to drink water and this is not a good thing, in such hot weather. 

At 6.30 we went down to the beach bar for happy hour cocktails with our friends.  We were very pleased and surprised to find we still have friends here – we thought they had all scattered, but no.  Solace, Zoa, Delphian, Out of the Blue II are all back here, after adventures around the island.  Most of us went for dinner in the Hard Dock Café and returned to our boats/beds around 11.30, to sleep sleep SLEEP.

Paul and Gina (SV Solace) are here for a while longer.  They are waiting for a parcel to arrive for the USA.  It has cleared Malaysian customs and will be with them…one day.  They are about to head off across the Indian Ocean, to go up the coast of Africa, so they need the boat to be completely seaworthy.  I forget what they said was in the package but…it is crucial to their wellbeing.)

And all of our other friends are off toThailand this morning.    We were very happy to see Phil and Cheryl, for Adagio, arriving late in the afternoon.  Phil had been in Danga Bay, in the rain, surrounded by mosquitoes and midgies, for many weeks while Cheryl did the Malaysian Rally on 2XS, Kularoo and Alleycat.   She flew back to join him and they have now, finally, together, arrived at the end point of the rally.  I thought I would spend today chatting with Cheryl in the pool – how lovely would that have been! – but no; they too are off and away this morning, in a convoy with the others.

I trotted along the dock to say goodbye to them all this morning.

Chris was down in the engine hold of Out of the Blue II with John (SV Delphian), fixing a last minute problem.

Lyn, Cecilie
Phil and Cheryl were very contentedly ready to go.

I had a cup of coffee on SV Zoe with Janice.  So lovely, light and comfortable.  Monohulls are not always so pleasant inside…

1 comment:

  1. I even choose my side of the bed based on toilet proximity! A birth near the facilities definitely a plus.
