Sunday, 7 July 2013

7th July - Mindil Beach market - beercan regatta - Darwin Botanical Gardens

Sunday 7th July

Our first view of Mindil Beach as we walked from Fannie Bay:

As you can see – lots of people and a huge big flat wide beach.  They had to wait for the tide to come in before they could really get the beercan rally underway.  We wandered around and took photos:

A viable beercan craft

A cute one but…not seaworthy… Re crocs, by the way – a recurring theme, in this blog – this morning on our rally radio broadcast we were told that in 2010 the authorities (Parks & Wildlife, presumably,) removed 320 crocodiles from the Darwin area.  And we know that crocodiles are very territorial and like to return to their home waters…

There was a sandcastle competition, which we duly inspected…but it was not  on an overly ambitious scale …

It was very hot on the beach so we wandered up to the market area and had a very pleasant time trying to decide what we would have for lunch. And then what beckoned??  The XXXX tent!  It was a nice shady area, with cold drinks, a few chairs, and soon – Tasmanian friends!

(Roseanne, Jason, Pete.)

Roseanne and I worked together, until April this year, so we had to get a photo taken to send back to the Tasmanian Industrial Commission.  I am sure our former colleagues will love to see us, all XXXX-ed up…

Pete and I entered several competitions to win XXXX memorabilia.  We ended up with four very useful stubbie holders and a very unbecoming yellow hat.

Our lunch, carefully scouted, was indeed delicious.  (In case you NEED to know Pete had a lamb souvlaki thingy and I had most excellent salt & pepper fish.)  After a bit more time in the shady XXXX area we reluctantly gave up our chairs and went down to the beach to watch some beercan races.

Eventually we parted from Roseanne and Jason and went for a walk through the botanical gardens.  But first Pete had a nap under the shady trees on the edge of the beach…

So now we are back on the boat, watching the sun set, so SO pretty.

Roast chicken with lot of veggies…

Life is good!

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