Monday 27 August 2012

Tuesday 28th August
Take #2

Recently there has been talk of tightening up the laws surround protection of whales and dolphins.  All well and good; we love our marine mammal cousins, don’t we?

And…they love us…

We are not to approach them in boats, lest we frighten them and send them off into the deep blue, never to be seen again.  As I said, all well and good but…have the people drafting these laws ever actually been out on the sea??  As far as I can tell, boats are as magnets to sea-going mammals.  Whales rear up to have a good look, and dolphins come from miles around, in their dozens if not hundreds, to frolic in the bow waves.  They leap, plunge, twirl, dive under the boat, race alongside, and lead the way to their apparent heart’s content.

And to mine…

I am very law-abiding, not a rule breaker at all, but I can’t really see how Pete and I on 2XS can avoid our cetacean friends… Will we be fined??  Exposed on the front page of the Mercury for tormenting dolphins?  Crazy stuff!  As Lance Armstrong might say, enough already!

1 comment:

  1. I think if the dolphins/whales choose you, you'll be safe from front page exposure. If you chase them, however, watch out. Having seen the way some people behave on watercraft, I think this is a good plan.
