Wednesday 12 August 2015

13th August - 2XS at Arborek Island (Papua, Raja Ampat)

Thursday 13th August 2015

Pete, and 2XS, are still anchored off Arborek Island.  He is doing some more dives with José; I think his sore leg, with the aid of nurofen, is much better.  (Or I hope it is…)

Meanwhile back in Tasmania I am trying to do errands for him… Not always easy, when I don’t REALLY know what I am talking about, for example at Jaycar…

On Arborek Island they make beautiful idiosyncratic hats.  Colourful and charming.  When we went ashore for our fist island walk, we saw a nice young girl, sitting tranquilly at a picnic table, wearing a hat, and, presumably, selling coconuts and shells.  And hats!  We went up to her and admired everything extravagantly.  I dearly longed for a coconut water drink, but…she didn’t seem to have a knife, or to know how much one should cost.  I would also have loved to have bought a hat or two but…she only had one.  Lufri (not Ludwig…) had told us that the hats were for sale, but…she was too shy to tell us how much, or where to find more than the one on the table, which was also occasionally on her head…

 But she must have sold out of her supply, because when the island visitors left on their big wooden boat, many of them were wearing the hats, and looking gorgeous!

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