Friday 16 August 2013

16th August - Rote Island to Sumba

Friday 16th August

I think a few of my bloggeries have been lost in cyberspace so maybe nobody knows where we are…

9 degrees south, 120 degrees east – on the beautiful island of Sumba.

We left Nemberala with beautifully clean, dried, folded laundry, thanks to Mamma Effie 

who works out of this hi-tech establishment:

It cost us approx. $15 plus two cold cokes from Jenet’s Café (opposite Mama’s.)  One coke for Mama Effie, one for her sturdy, smiling young underling… We were SO relieved to see this capable young woman carrying our bags of washing; the thought of tiny, frail Mamma Effie pounding away at our sheets on a rock in the river…well it didn’t bear conspiring!  But Mamma Effie outsources!!!

We had a beautiful sail from Rote Island to Sumba. 

Not sure what we expected…

But as we cruised along the coast I was startled to see what looked to me like…Africa!  A bit of gentle scrub on the coast, limitless savannah rolling away into the hills…

Any minute would there be giraffes???  Elegant springbok??  Maybe a meerkat or two??

Once we actually got on land our perspective changed…

And did you know that Sumba, pop. 700,000 has a large and thriving town called Waingtapu??  With roads, schools, impressive buildings, buses, the works?? 

LOVE it!!

We arrived at dark – bad mistake, but there was nowhere to stop – the wind had changed and we couldn’t go and anchor on a lee shore with an easterly blow…

NO idea where we were or what was happening, other than a bit of a biff and a bang on some unexpected rocks…

Oh deary me… (my language, not Pete’s…)

We eventually dropped anchor in some deep water in what looked to be a big harbor and hoped for the best.

The next morning, early…

All was well!  We were not far at all from where we should be, anchored happily next to Marieke* III, a Swedish Rally boat.

And the Men With Guns were here to help us!

We have been having a most fabulous – if exhausting – time and I can’t recommend Sumba more highly. 

If you are a VIP celebrity guest, as we are…

Yesterday we had a late afternoon tour, but first kind Steve (the one without uniform or gun) took us on a quest to find someone to fix my internet problem.

This man, appropriately called Hart (Heart??) from Lombok Teknik – his own business empire in Sumba – very patiently re-configured my modem.

And did it AGAIN in the early afternoon when it stopped working… (I was very upset…) 

We went back to see him on motorbike/taxi (ojek.)  This is an AFTER photo

Because I am smiling…

Our tour began with a trip to the market.

Dried fish – so pretty, but possibly yucky…

Beautiful children – naturally…

And another one...

The rest is a bit of a blur but we went, I know, to an ikat-weaving village, and then to see some young children dancing.  SO beautiful, these kiddiewinks…

They got us all up on stage, of course.  Ingvar and Seija are great; they join in with enthusiasm and are very good company.

Here they are with Pete, all in Rally t-shirts… I have a similar one but…it is TOO HOT to wear such a thing for a True Tasmanian!!

Seija, originally Finnish but now Swedish, was a language teacher – she and I sneak off to speak French together.  And Ingvar had the COOLEST job ever…he was a zoo vet and travelled the world to all major zoos!!

Seija told me that they have scoured the Indonesian dictionaries for a word for vet.  Animal doctor?  WHAT could this mean???  Too weird for words, literally!!

They have tigga laki-laki…(three sons) in their 30s and 40s. And a smattering of little ones coming up.  We are very much enjoying their company.

Which is a good thing as…we are the only ones….

And we are getting a LOT of attention!

This morning at 9.00 we set off in triumphal (I AM NOT KIDDING!!) procession.  A blue car - Pete, me, Sam (guide) Igor (driver) Arris and Alex (extras) in the back seat… A red  car with Steve (guide), Seija and Ingvar, driver, Immanuel and…entourage… An outrider car with people from the Department of Tourism.  A police  car behind.  And a police car in front of us going WHEEEOOOOO WHEEEOOOO all the way for 200 ks!!

We stopped and had lunch at a dam and looked down...

And look what we saw – no not monkeys!

But a BIG estuarine crocodile!!  WOWEE!!

The villages we went to (Prailiu, Umabara, Melolo –don’t take my word for this…it all got a bit jumbled in our heads…) had huge stone tombs, part of the animist religion.   They had been dragged from the top of a hill, down a valley, up a hill, into position…and then…crash CRUSH!  Hmm, said Ingvar, then I suppose they had to go and get more huge rocks to bury the forty who died…

The children love playing in and around the tombs

We had a weaving demo or two…

This afternoon we had another dancing session.

Oh so lovely!

So much joy, stories, music, drumming!!

The younger boys and girls were so full of fun and laughter; we love every minute.

And afterwards I took photos of them – look how full of life, wickedness, mischief they are!!

Immanuel took lots of photos with my camera. 

This is me looking as polite as can be when offered betel nut…  SO TOTALLY YUCKY!!!

OH YES tomorrow is another day and it begins at 7.30am!!

Indonesian Independence Day!

In the morning we are expected, all dressed up, at a ceremony.
And in the evening…a gala dinner and we are being dressed in…traditional costume!!
Yes there will be photos…


But seriously…come to Sumba; it is SO wonderful!

* Marieke III named for one of my very favourite Jacques Brel songs  these people are COOL!!

Birthday accolades – today it is – Fleur Harmsen!  I did try to ring, this morning…it went to yuckerella MessageBank… And when we got back from our L-O-N-G tour today…it was too late in Tasmania.  But Fleur, Pete and I did think of you…and had a belated G &T in your honour!

One of my best FleurStories indicates what a very good person she is…  She is a quiet, gentle, self-effacing woman.

We all know this…

So WHY…when we went to see Barrie Humphries at Wrest Point Casino, and we had first choice of seats as we walked in – Harmens are hyper-punctual – did I say, brightly, Let’s sit in the front rows.

Fleur knew she was doomed….

I did NOT mean to be so unkind! 

Dame Edna raked the crowd with his/her cruel, piercing eyes and selected his/her prey.  And what is your name, dear?  Fleur quivered and looked at Dad, with some anguish.  Dad hissed, Say your name is Claire!!  (Fleur would have made her even more of a target for Dame E…)  It didn’t work… So you don’t know your own name?  You have to ask your ventriloquist?  And it was all GO for the rest of the evening.  Fleur and a few other victims were dragged, willy-nilly, onto the stage, where they had to wave gladioli suggestively in the air – THRUST!! And do all manner of indelicate things with cucumbers.  The whole Dame Edna routine. 

When we left, a few people came up to Fleur and said, Well done!  What a good sport you are!


And…she still speaks to me!!

Here she is, with Dad..and no I don't think they are dressed in a colour-code...they are just very compatible!!

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