Tuesday 16 October 2012

Wednesday 17th October
“Enid” wrote about houseguests on her blog* a few days ago.  She wanted to know about other people’s experiences.  I am sure there are many MANY stories out there, of houseguests far and wide, pleasant and unpleasant. 
I have been on both sides of the equation and I know it can be tricky being the houseguest.  How intrusive do you need to be, in your host’s life??  I tend to tiptoe around a bit, making myself scarce.  This rarely goes down well; I have had my bewildered host bellowing through bedroom door saying, “Where ARE you? Come out!  Have a gin!  Have a swim!  What are you doing???”  Oh right they actually want my company….haven’t they had enough, yet??
Boatguests are a different matter altogether, mainly because a boat is such a confined space.  As well as this, a boat is its own little universe, as I see it.  Some people don’t get this.  They happily splishysplash the water around, and just don’t get the concept of water tanks…salt water all around…no rain… They also don’t understand why it isn’t really possible to simmer a beautiful sauce very gently on the stove ALL DAY to make it very delicious at dinner time.  Gas tanks, strangely, do NOT hold an infinite supply of gas…
I won’t go on and on about this.  But Enid’s query re difficult (or otherwise) houseguests reminded me of a charming couple who came to Hobart a few years ago, to stay with friends of mine, Carol and John.  John had met these people while camping in the Outback.  They exchanged addresses, breezily, as one does.  Over a beer or two around the campfire, John said, “If ever you’re in Tasmania, do drop in.”  So they did, a few months later… They parked their caravan in the driveway and very happily ensconced themselves in the spare room downstairs. 
It wasn’t the best of visits.  They didn’t like Carol’s little dog, and kept putting her outside.  Their own pet, a parakeet in a cage, scattered seed and poo all over the landing.  (Carol particularly doesn’t like birds being kept in small cages, to add insult to injury.).  They were fussy about food, and not generous with their shopping.  And guess how long they stayed.  Six WEEKS!!!  When they left, they waved happily from the car, saying, “See you!” 
They did not leave a forwarding address and have never been heard of since…


  1. Six weeks. I have the horrors just thinking about it. SIX WEEKS. Thanks for the mention, I think that post definitely hit a nerve :)

  2. My lovely friend Kate always refers to "housepests" no matter how much she loves her guests....
