Wednesday 3 October 2012

Thursday 4th October
Yesterday I wrote about the current Taroona High School family members.  My nephew Will Harmsen was there last year and is now a student at Hobart College.  He is a most charming and delightful person, as is his younger brother Tim – every family should have a Tim, says his mother, Andrea, as Tim comes into the room smiling radiantly and holding aloft a plate of freshly baked anzacs-with-a-twist…
But to return to Will, our topic du jour.  Will is not only, as I have said, a charming and delightful person, he is also tall, handsome and an EXTREMELY good swimmer.  He has broken many state records and is now ensconced at the Institute of Sports in Canberra as part of the Australian squad.
It just so happens – how fortuitous is this – that Nicky is also in Canberra, with 60 Grade 6 girls from St Mary’s College.  At our family lunch on Saturday, she said, Oh wouldn’t it be just wonderful if we could see Will…even if just for a moment  They had planned to visit the Institute of Sport, but we all thought Will would be head down in the pool, following that black line.
Last night I got a text from Nicky:
Will just came and spoke to 60 girls.  He was awesome and they are all very twinkly eyed now.  Was so nice of him to give up a game of pool for us.
(Oh OK so he wasn’t actually IN a pool…)
I imagine Nicky’s credit rating with St Mary’s Grade Sixers has risen several notches for having such a cool cousin!

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