Sunday 7 October 2012

Monday 8th October
My taxi driver last week was very pleased to see me.  Apparently he was one of my most recent oldcodger drivers.  I said, untruthfully, Oh yes, of course I remember you!  How are things?  Wrong question…things are not good in TaxiDriverWorld.  My poor oldcodger is driving around – maybe too much information – with a catheter which is making him deeply unhappy.  He is going back to hospital to have A Procedure next month and he is very worried, as well he might be.  I was as reassuring as possible and got out of the taxi very much needing to have a nice big nip of Jeff’s restorative port.  (Which is maybe why I fell asleep on the beanbag while trying to watch a very informative ABC program…)

1 comment:

  1. I think this may be the first time Ever that someone has recognised you and you have not recognised them! It was opposite day! xoxo
