Thursday 7 August 2014

6-8thAugust - Pulau Gaya lagoon - Semporna

Wednesday 6th August

Yesterday was our last day in crazy, lively Lahad Datu.  We went to our favourite corner restaurant and had great big fruit juice drinks and ordered some takeaways for the night – we had to leave early in the morning and didn’t want to complicate matters by going back into town in the evening.

The staff were THRILLED to see us back again.  The owners put on John’s hat and sunglasses, to pose for a photo.  And the waitresses fell about, in fits of giggles…

I’ll see if I can do a close-up; they were in hysterics!

Our senior waitress was delighted to pose, with the owner:

People here are so very delightful…

While I waited for my avocado juice (yes!) to arrive, I went for a wander around the block, to do a quick Lahad Datu Photo Essay.

Firstly, the footpaths are…


There are some interesting old wooden buildings – I don’t think Lahad Datu got bombed to smithereens, like poor dear Sandakan.  Some dear little kiddiwinks followed me, relentlessly chanting, One ringgit!  One ringgit! as they patted gently at my pockets to see if they could slither any money out .  I just laughed and said TIDAK (NO!)  But when I got to the corner shop I bought three rubber balls and waited till the little sprites reappeared…Sea Gypsy children… I didn’t take photos… My most persistent darling little girl was the first to get a ball.  She was swiftly followed by a gang of wild-eyed boys: GIMME!!!!  Pete and John were (as always) way ahead of me, and a Chinese man stopped me, sternly saying, DON’T give them anything!  They will just ask for more!  Oh I know…I KNOW!!!  But…my darling little girl whirled up to me as I crossed the road, grabbed me by the hand, and said, with the biggest smile in the whole world…THANK YOU!!!

Friday 8th August

We have just left glorious Pulau Gaya lagoon

And now we are on another raffish little town, Semporna.  John will leave us here; we will miss him.  And at 3pm we are picking up Lindsay Gamba and his girlfriend Emma, fresh off the plane from London…We having; seen Lindsay since, I think 2007.  He and Pete almost single-handedly built Pete’s house in West Hobart.  It was a VERY happy time in Pete’s life.  He and Lindsay had fun fun FUN!  And…we all loved Lindsay, who is a total chick magnet by any standards.  Lindsay will enjoy being with Pete, and being on the boat.  But will Emma??  For three weeks??  I am going to buy some new pillows in the hope of making her very much more comfortable than she would be with the festy old ones.  (It doesn’t take very long for a pillow to get festy in this hot humid climate…)

Bird ignoring dog very sternly
We only had two nights in the Pulau Gaya lagoon.  It was very beautiful, with crystal clear water (we haven’t seen very much crystal clear water…)

I am temporarily waterlogged because I have spent many happy hours snorkeling.  Yesterday in the late afternoon I was accompanied by a huge school of tiny fish, which stayed with me all the way long the reef.  And I also saw…a large, terrified stingray, and an even larger and even more terrified green turtle, swimming for its life.  Bliss!

At 7am about twenty of us walked to the top of the mountain – 500 metres, very steep.  But it was shady and cool in the thick jungle, with a well-made track.  And a glorious view from the top.

I did very well on the walk UP, scampering efficiently onward and upward and arriving in the avant garde.  But on the way down…oh deary me I crept and trembled and clutched at handholds… Falling up isn’t very scary; falling DOWN is quite another matter.

We have arrived in Semporna and we are tied up to a jetty right next to a lovely little café – quelle surprise!  Yet another Maritim Malaysia vessel guided us gently in.

The night before last we had an armed guard on board.  Fairuz was a delightful young bloke.  He lay on cushions on the deck with his rifle tightly clutched to his manly chest.  Occasionally he left his weapon out of his sight, where it formed part of the 2XS safety equipment, next to the fire extinguisher and the container of flares…

More anon…

Emma and Lindsay are here!

We are already enjoying their company.

And we will miss Our John!

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