Monday 11 August 2014

11th August - Tawau - rat alarm - health scare - new dinghy

Monday 11th August

4 degrees 15.465N
117 degrees 53.476E
Depth 3.5m
(Just off Tawau Yacht Club)

Pete and I were immensely relieved yesterday in the late afternoon to discover a beautiful swimming pool just behind the yacht club.  With shady trees, and deck chairs – somewhere comfy and cool for Lindsay and Emma to hang out!

This is at midday so NO shade...but most of the day it is lovely
They both work long hard hours in London and they really need opportunities for relaxing.  On the boat there are very few shady spots, and, at the moment, no opportunities to swim so I am very happy there is a pool, with a shower block right next to it. Lots of hydrotherapy for them!

We haven’t explored downtown Tawau very thoroughly yet, but there are rows of orderly houses along the waterfront – no doubt built by the government, for the Malaysians.  The government is BIG on subsidized house, in neat straight rows.

Last night we had dinner at the yacht club – our last one with John, who was staying in a hotel nearby.

Today has been a day of ups and downs…early in the morning I awoke from a slightly disturbing dream (yes I KNOW other people’s dreams are excessively dull, but…bear with me!) involving rats.  There had been an infestation of them on the boat, and I was trying to hide this fact from our visitors.  Fortunately I woke just before I had to decide what to do with the plastic bag I was clutching, in which several rats were squirming energetically while I tried to look nonchalant.

As we were getting ready to leave 2XS for the fleshpots of Tawau around 10am, Emma called me in to their cabin to look at some suspicious  bits of chewed wood in one of the cupboards.  And…she thought she had seen something…furry.  I alerted Pete, who was very busy and who didn’t really believe a single word we were saying.  Finally he and Lindsay came to investigate and…a medium sized rat leapt out of the cupboard and rushed for the other cabin, brushing over poor Emma’s bare foot in its haste.  (She was VERY brave!)

We were SO close to the walkway...
Oh dear and oh no… It must have boarded when we were tied up so cosily to the jetty in Semporna…  We are NOT happy about this and we have to take steps. I am all in favour of borrowing Snoopy, the beautiful big black cat who lives on Keris, anchored nearby.  But maybe Snoopy doesn’t want to leave his owners and his familiar haunts…

Mishap #2…In the early afternoon we decided to go into town, about ten minutes walk.  Lindsay hadn’t even left the pool precinct when he doubled up in pain.  REAL pain; agony in fact.  We were all very anxious as he writhed on the ground.  Pete went back out to the boat to find indigestion medication, but I encouraged Emma and Lindsay to go straight to the hospital, which is less than 100 metres from the yacht club.

Em out of focus is Lindsay on a drip!
They put Lindsay on a drip and various medical staff members hovered around and then he was released back into the free world, cheerfully pain free.  We were all exceedingly relieved…

And Chapter #3 of our ups and downs involved The Dinghy Saga.  A week or so ago Mr Tan, the efficient manager of the Tawau Yacht Club, had told us on the phone that there might be a dinghy for sale at the club.  So the first thing we did when we got here was to go hunting for what we thought might be the last dinghy in captivity.  It was an amazing boat…It had obviously deflated and split at the seams, and somebody had filled it with expanding foam.  It is now rock solid and unsinkable.  But…not very pretty…

I was wildly enthusiastic and started to direct a flow of love towards this rather ugly boat.  Pete put in an offer to Mr Tan, who had to refer it all to The Board.  They wanted 5,500 ringgits for it (approx. $1800.  A LOT of money for a virtually unsalable item; but beggars can’t be choosers.)  But…while we were wandering around town, we ran into Mr Tan who told us that The Board had said NO.  No sale, not at any price, so no point in us even beginning negotiations.  I was, as they say, totes devo…Pete rallied, as he does, and made his way into the hinterland of Tawau with grim determination.  I had to go back to the yacht club with food for Emma, and maybe for Lindsay, if he was feeling better.  (He was indeed feeling better and he ate it all while Emma went searching for a knife and fork – she is a very refined girl…Poor Emma was left just a bit hungry.)

I asked Lindsay to pose triumphantly with the dinghy
I went for a swim and a shower and when I got back to my breezy cool table overlooking the water, there was Pete, in a ute, with…a gleaming brand new aluminium dinghy!  The one and only one for sale in Tawau!  (And…it only cost 1,800 ringgits – approx. $600.)  he is SO resourceful!  Next thing he just has to get rid of the rat and all will be ticketyboo on 2XS!

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