Sunday 10 August 2014

10th August - Sipadan Mangrove resort to Tawau - more photos follow

Sunday 10th August

We have arrived at our final rally destination, Tawau.  The schedule has changed so many times I really have no idea what happens next… All a Magical Mystery Tour…

Some of the boats are still anchored outside the Sipadan Mangrove Resort.  We only stayed there one night.  As far as I am concerned, any resort or destination with mangrove in the title means… MOSQUITOES and Other Bitey Insects.  Dear Emma spent many hours gazing intently into the brown water, certain she could see crocodiles.  She was just slightly disappointed but never mind!  There maybe other croc opps!

Frigate birds on the fish attractors (fish farms?)  along the way
Semporna gave us such a good opportunity, to be tied up to a jetty right in the centre of town.  Emma and Lindsay had already had a few days there.  They hadn’t realise that really there is nothing specifically thrilling about Semporna… It is a good place to catch boats to dive resorts on the islands, and there are a few good little restaurants and a Giant supermarket which sells…beer!  And cheese!

On our last morning John suddenly called to me – I was in the depths of the kitchen doing something boring.  OTTER!! he shouted.  I clickety clicked away with my camera, delighted.  Until suddenly…oh dear…it wasn’t an otter at all, it was a dear little puppy, drowning… Before John (or I) could leap into the (filthy) water, a local dive shop bloke and plunged in to hoick the poor little thing out onto shore, gasping.

Maritim Malaysia escorted us today.  They were quite desperately keen to get onto the boat for a photo… NOT of me.  Of Our Emma, in her black bikini!

Leo, in Hobart, has been researching insects of Borneo…

The internet seems to be working; I must strike while the iron, so to speak, is hot!

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