Sunday 24 August 2014

21st-24th August - Sandakan - Turtle Islands - reef incident - Lankayan - PHOTOS NOW UP AND RUNNING

Thursday 21st August

Coming in to Sandakan
We left Sandakan yesterday at midday, hoping to have a few days at the Turtle Islands – a bit of beach, a bit of swimming, a bit of relaxation seemed in order for our guests.  (And for us…)

What is the old Jewish saying?  Man plans, God laughs?

Not far out of Sandakan the charts suddenly were…all wrong… And before we knew it, bang crash, we had bumped into several very large rocks in very shallow water, and we were marooned overnight on an unexpected reef.

Emma and Lindsay went out to test the waters with the boat hook – visibility was very poor.  And they discovered that yes, the water was very very shallow…

We got into the water with our snorkels to inspect the damage and the possibilities for extraction but there was no question – we had to wait till morning. 

Pete and Lindsay spent a long time diving down to the anchor – they wanted to pick it up and carry it past the largest obstructing rock.  I was not thrilled with this plan.  Too much exertion, too fraught with difficulty.  But OF COURSE Pete just had to do it; he never ever gives up.

So…the Turtle Islands were postponed until this morning.  We got off the reef early, with a lot of depth and no problem, and arrived at the Pulau Libarran at about 11am.  Oh joy; a proper tropical island, with a lovely beach.  And with big waves and drizzling rain…They couldn’t even really see the big turtle tracks.

I took some fetching photos of Pete, Lindsay and Emma going towards the island, so that the full glory of the new dinghy can be revealed – three jaunty new fenders on each side, properly screwed onto the body of the boat.  It will NEVER sink, or even think of tipping up!  McGuyver Headlam strikes again!

But…God is laughing, yet again.  Does it look nice, on Pulau Libarran?  No, not really.  The waves are big, the sky is dark, the rain is…raining.  Pete enquired at the ranger station and it may or may not have been possible for us to have lunch, or dinner, in the little cafĂ©. Nobody would really know until 5pm. 

Lindsay at the helm
Time to give up and move on to beautiful glorious Lankayan… Some of us took turns at the helm.

Pete in Sleepyboboland
Others snoozed…

Emma in  Sleepyboboland

We are on one of the three resort moorings, which makes for a nice, safe night or three for 2XS after the battering and pounding it received last night.  Emma is looking very optimistic and happy at the thought of being able to stay at this beautiful tropical island resort but… (STOP laughing, God!) It is raining quite heavily…. Not proper monsoonal rain, which pelts down and just stops, but proper soft English rain, which goes on and on and on…

Pulau Lankayan in the rain
This is what I wanted it to be like… Jacqui and Dave (SV Jackster) forwarded me this lovely photo of Pete (and others…) playing beach cricket in the sunset on gorgeous Pulau Kapas.

Tomorrow is another day…surely the sun will shine and it will be scorchingly hot again??

Friday 22nd August

All is well

The sun is shining; the rain has stopped.

Lindsay’s and Emma’s room is beautiful, large, cool, and they are right on the beautiful beach.

Pete has stayed on board for the day, ostensibly to work on his accounts etc but, I very much hope, to have a few much-needed snoozes on the couch, after all of the stress of our unwanted time bashing away on the reef…

I have spent the day battling with the internet…blogspot wouldn’t let me “in” because my gmail password is incorrect.  Well YES because I no longer have a gmail account… Other than that all is LOVELY.  I have snorkeled, and have seen many glorious fish.  And I have had a beautiful lunch, with Lindsay and Emma.

Lankayan resort - dining area
Saturday 23rd August

Not only did I have a beautiful lunch, but when I got back to the boat at 6pm.  Captain Pete had prepared a most fabulous meal – marinade prawns, cooked on the BBQ with potato salad.  It could hardly have been a more scrumptious and appropriate meal!  Now I am back at the resort, gently arguing with the internet…

From Misty (SV Tamoure, Scotland,) re rodents on boats)

A dead rat 'somewhere' beats a live and hungry one any day.  Friends of ours from rally 2010 had one for a while and said it would take just a nibble or 2 from........... well, whatever it fancied - including wine boxes [red of course!] - and then move on to the next tasty mouthful.  Another big catamaran from same rally left their boat in Pangkor for months and came back to a huge rewiring job, and having to replace their upholstery.........  So a smelly dead 'un beats a hungry live one every time.  Fingers crossed your trap will fix him.  We left Gulf Harbour NZ for Opua many years ago with a small mouse.  Mrs CC has sharper ears than Mr Peter John and every time we switched the engine off I'd hear a scampering rustling sound from behind the starboard lockers.  Bought a trap at first shop we came to, took a few goes but eventually wee mousey met his Maker, with a surprised expression on his face and a mouthful of cheese.  Good luck with your battle - the enterprising Mr Peter James will win, I know.

(Mrs CC is Misty – Mrs CleverClogs; Mr Peter John is her husband, known to doctors in Asia as Mr Peter John; Pete Headlam is similarly known to Asian doctors as Mr Peter James.)

Sunday 24th August

My last day fighting with the Lankayan internet…

Emma and Lindsays' number #10
I think we will leave tomorrow, heading towards Kudat, and decisions re the next few weeks before our return to Australia. (WHERE to leave the boat is the big question…)  Lindsay and Emma have a few more days here in this beautiful resort.  They can swim, sleep, lie in the sun before returning to their VERY busy London lives.

We have had some fabulous swims, out on the reef. Emma has never really snorkeled before and she is just a bit frightened of the deep blue sea (too many scary TV programs…) but she has come way out with us, very gamely, and she has seen much coral, many fish.

Pete eating a weird little green cake in the beautiful dining area


  1. No photos mum, I'd love to see them so please try again!
