Tuesday 25 September 2012

Wednesday 26th September
Claire sent me a text recently saying she had seen some earrings advertised on eBay:
“each have been maliciously hand crafted”
Oooh yes bring on that malicious jewellery!
While I am being a picky pedant I might alert you to the fact that some of our dearly loved words are disappearing.  Thrice is long gone, but apparently twice is also going going about to be gone.  I heard this in a PickyPedant radio program recently and didn’t think much of it.  But I have been listening carefully…and at the bus stop the other day, for example, I heard a woman say to her son, “I have missed the bus two times.”  And maybe even once is under threat… People say “I read a book one time and didn’t like it,” or words to that effect.  Too strange – what is wrong with these perfectly inoffensive little words that they should be extinguished??


  1. "One time upon a time in a kingdom far away" does not sound good so I think Once may be safe! xoxo

  2. "Going one time, going two times, going three times" is also a much less catchy auctioneer's cry. I wonder if it used to be "Going once, going twice, going thrice"? xoxo

  3. but on the other hand you have wonderful people like Nigella Lawson adding new words, such as 'plumptious' ... the world is a much better place for the use of the word 'plumptious' :)

  4. Yes Enid you are right - there are some wonderful new words coming into the language as we speak...so to speak...

  5. And going back to a previous blog along the same lines, I remembered a couple more wonderful made up words. Michael "conticipate." What better word to describe participate in a competition? Of course Cath and Kim have THE BEST made up words, especially ones which describe some of the flabbier body parts! Fudoobedders, clacks. It's enough to make some people gropable...
