Saturday 29 September 2012

Sunday 30th September

Another night or two on board 2XS, in our new marina berth in Prince of Wales Bay.

Many seagulls wheeling and shrieking and a stunning view of the mountain shrouded in snow.  It is suddenly, and somewhat disconcertingly, very VERY cold.  We had a big family lunch in South Hobart yesterday, with lots of food, cheery company, and - snow, sleet, wind and rain outside the windows.   Perfect weather for staying INSIDE to watch the Grand Final...

It is quite warm on board, with an ancient little blow heater blowing its heart out.  We have eaten bacon and eggs and have drunk several cups of very strong coffee so we are ready for the day.  I am going to read; Petge is going to try to fix he toilet, which has been reduced to its component atoms and is now lying on the deck in a fairly useles fashion. I think my morning is going to be less challenging and more fun than Pete's!

1 comment:

  1. Reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lucky woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I know, I know, we make our own luck ;)
