Monday, 29 September 2014

30th September - another day in Coron (Busuanga)

Tuesday 30th September

The tricycles in Coron make up about 90% of the traffic. There are a few motorbikes, and VERY few cars.  We went walking today, because there was a light drizzle and it was therefore not too exhaustingly hot.  So…no trikes for us.  But I did manage to spend a lot of time observing the traffic, and the wonderful names emblazoned on the tricycles.  My favourites today were:

Shapely Meek
Saint Monique  
(nobody in my family is in the least saintly – my sister Monique included)

We were able to walk around the steeper back street – thank you, light drizzle – and we found, to our astonishment, an Austrian resort. My other sister Jacqui (also not saintly, although much loved,) was in Vienna last week, and her Facebook photos are glorious.  But it could not be more completely different from Coron if it tried!   We were so gobsmacked I neglected to take a photo of the shining gleaming bright red Porsche parked in the driveway… Can you imagine a shiny new Porsche driving around the narrow bumpy roads of Busuanga, full of tricycles, children, motorbikes, chickens, dogs, potholes??

One of our missions for he day was to get our tickets from Busuanga to Manila – the vital first leg of our journey home next month.  The internet was very much Go/Slow today so we set off to find a travel agent.  Pete found a very helpful and efficient young bloke while I sat outside and looked at…tricylces…

Coron is lovely, and very interesting, but it is NOT a shopping Mecca.  This is very good for my bank account… Pete finds much to fascinate him in the shops.

One of the eight local hardware stores
Me…not so much…

A local boutique on the main street
The food here, on the other hand, is just amazing.  I have eaten seafood each time we have been out to lunch or dinner and it has been invariably delicious.

Today I had fish and chips which was so fresh and so perfectly cooked I nearly cried.  (I have been craving fish & chips after many months of nasi goreng…)  Not only delicious but…cheap.  We were in a very stylish little café and my meal was $4.56…

In the back streets we found some beautiful houses made of bamboo.

And a fence made of enormous slabs of wood.

This house is the Philippines Red Cross Centre.

When we got back to 2XS I wanted to go and have a big long sleep – how pathetic is that!  Instead I went for a big long swim, about 200 metres from the boat, out to a reef.  

The fisherman in his little outrigger - just visible in this photo - kept an eye on me as I swam around the reef near his boat.
200 metres as the crow flies… I never swim in a straight line – somehow I zigzag madly, adding much to the distance covered.  And this afternoon the current was quite strong so I had to fight against it to get where I wanted.  But it was worth it!  This nearby reef is lovely, with some big bommies, and quite a large patch of different coral with many small fish.  This was much better than an afternoon nap!

In the late afternoon – a lovely dog coming home with his crew…

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