Thursday 24 October 2013

25th October - eye news

Friday 25th October

Well….clichés are sometimes useful…

A picture tells a thousand words…

This is Pete at 8.30 today, after seeing the eye specialist.

So much better than

He was a very compliant patient, lying on his left side for three long long days no matter how achy and uncomfortable this was.  Apparently, so Dr Jones said, many people can’t achieve this sort of compliance and…they lose a retina or two…

He has come home for some quick slices of sourdough toast and has rushed off with a spring in his step to a reunion of his university faculty.  Too sad if he had had to miss this; he does love re-living his uni years… Tonight there is a dinner; I think we will have to have a nap this afternoon; neither of us slept well last night – I wonder why???  (Nothing like the thought of major eye surgery to knock all possibility of sleep on its soft little head…)


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