Wednesday 26 September 2012

Thursday 27th September
Just a bit of kidstuff…
Last year Eva, who was then three, played all day with her friends Miley and Isabelle.  Katy told me that they had spent the whole day in a bush getting married.  So when I saw Eva at the end of the day I said, “Oh Eva, did you and Miley and Isabelle get married today?”  She looked at me without a smile and said, in stern but kind tones, “Oh Bardy, we were just pretending!”
Ah yes…
In first term Leo had a very creative relief teacher in his prep class (5-6 year olds) for a few weeks.  She had them doing all sorts of imaginative writing and art work and the walls were full of very interesting displays.  I took a photo of one which indicated that maybe Leo is the most practical of all the children in his class…I think maybe he is destined to be an engineer…
The theme was clocks – they had to draw a clock and write a descriptive sentence.  Here is a sample:
Sometimes clocks don’t have numbers
Sometimes big clocks go tick tick
When clocks ring it is time to get up
Some grandpa clocks have a thing that swings
Some clocks have pictures on them
Clocks have hands on them
My dad’s watch had tiny tiny tinchy little dots
Some clocks go dong dong dong

And what did my Leo write??

The hands point to the number that is the time
That’s my boy!  No muckin’ around with tickety tocks or tinchy dots! 
They also had to write about reading.  Some of the children were very imaginative and describe how they lie on their comfy bed and look at the sky and read their book and eat an apple.  Django, who has very artistic parents, said that he can feel the soul of the writer.  And Leo?  Well… “I look at the letters and read the words.”  And indeed he does!!


  1. Zoe's latest cry is "Daddy, mummy, save your little girl!"

    And a more fluffy perspective on Leo, he said recently “Because I grew up in the bush I’m used to it and it is used to me. I feel like I am talking to it and it talks to me.” I asked him what the bush says to him. “It says ‘I love you too Leo.’”

  2. Ha! Snap! I think Leo and Fred think very similarly about things ...
