Sunday 23 September 2012

Monday 24th September
Speaking of seagulls, as I was, just yesterday…
Last week Pete and I were watching a football game, on his glorious big TV.  I wouldn’t say either of us is passionate about The Footie.  But there’s something about being on the couch, with the heater blasting away very nicely, and a glorious big screen, and not having to get up early the next day, which makes just about anything very pleasant watching.
Pete was quite enthralled by the game.  A close score!  Men leaping in the air, most athletically, as they do in Aussie Rules.  The crowd going wild!  And just about all I could focus on was…the seagulls!  They were whirling madly just above the players, in a frenzy of flight.  They looked just wonderful with the bright lights shining on them.  I think if an alien had come to join us on the couch, they too would have thought it was all about the birds… Men jumping and kicking a ball, dimly, in the background??  But what about those BIRDS!!! 


  1. bahahaha, Marguerite ... especially if the aliens watch the Hitchcock movie The Birds while en route to Planet Earth!

  2. Yes indeed Enid! The Birds was SO scary!! Is it still??? Those eerie, silent, waiting birds...waiting to swoop...

  3. I can so relate to that. Sometimes I sit with Gavin and watch cycling events (tours). But what I am actually watching with great interest is all of the spectators lining the sides of the roads. Far more fascinating than the cyclists themselves are these enthusiasts in their weird and wonderful outfits, or occasionally lack thereof. They stand so close to the passing riders that I think spectator dodging/bike dodging is an event in itself.
