Thursday 27 September 2012

Friday 28th September
On Thursday somebody got stuck in the lift on the 10th floor of our building in Macquarie St.
Not so funny!  The only good thing…it wasn’t me!!!  I don’t particularly have a phobia about lifts or confined spaces, and am always The Brave One when I am with my friends who might be just a touch claustrophobic.  But I would very much hate to be stuck in the lift…
Our lifts in this building are very old and clanky.  Technicians are working on them at the moment, trying to bring them into the 21st Century.  We get regular updates and they tell us that the lifts will be all shiny and new in September….2013…
My problem would be…boredom.  And an immediate an urgent need for the toilet, whether real or imagined. 
I obviously have no inner resources.  I would have to sit on the floor of the lift and play WWF on my iPhone until the battery ran out; without my phone or a nice big thick book to read they would find me sobbing pathetically, having found myself unable to be pleased with my own company for more than a few fleeting minutes.
I was OK on 2XS.  A lot of people have asked me if I got cabin fever, being in a confined space day after day.  Well, no.  For a start, 2XS is a catamaran and is, by definition, spacious, not like a monohull boat.  And I had plenty of activities to keep me occupied.  Taking my turn doing seamanlike things, for a start… And then, in idle moments, staring out to see looking for birds, flying fish, dolphins.  That could take a whole lot of time.  As well as this I had my self-allotted task of hourly log entries – busybusy!  Audiobooks and podcasts from my trusty iPod also stopped me from having to fall back on my own admittedly limited inner resources.  No cabin fever!  Apart from daily activities and entertainments, I had – the company of Pete, and I never did get bored with him.  (He occasionally does ask me if I am bored with him, and I always answer, darkly, “Not yet.”)


  1. I have two friends who are spending this weekend on a silent retreat... They do it a couple of times a year and return very refreshed. I think I would return very twitchy indeed, and might have to be brought home on a stretcher! What do you think? xoxo

  2. And, you have plenty of inner resources, you just externalise them for the enjoyment of all! xoxo

  3. Twitching already Katy!!! I don't think a retreat such as this would improve me at all....

  4. I don't believe you don't have inner resources. Where do all your blogging ideas come from (from inside your own head!). And perfect response to Pete :)
