Monday 25 June 2012

Tuesday 26th June
This morning I was reading an article about sleep patterns.  Lots of contributions from people who thrive on staying up till late every night, watching movies, reading, solving the problems of the world, and The Others who leap out of bed at 5.30, jog 10 kilometres, cook a pot of soup, vacuum the entire house, and get to work, beaming at 8.30.  (No I don’t fit into either category; I am tired when I wake up and tired in the evening…)
I laughed a lot when I read:
I don’t really wake up properly until 9am and until then my brain is limited to a very basic ‘rage’ function.
At the moment I have to be a morning person, regardless of my true inclination.  I sit at my desk at 8.30am and think, wistfully, of my 2XS days, where 8.30am was a time to be opening my eyes, stretching, and wondering whether or not it was time for that first very satisfying cup of tea.  Pete is definitely NOT an early morning person, so this suited him very well.  I would like to say that we stayed up very late every night, solving the problems of the world, but no…we were usually in bed at…8.30pm, yawning hugely and wondering why our eyes wouldn’t stay open long enough to read more than one chapter…
Yes twelve hours sleep is A LOT for a grown-up… We usually tick along with seven hours; how come we were able to sink so happily and easily into such very long sleepytime??  I actually think it was very good for us.  We had no illness at all while we were away, all though all manner of germs came onto the boat.  Snotty noses, eye infections, coughs, colds, tummy troubles.  And we remained completely infection-free.  I think it was – all the sleep, very restorative to the health!
And now I am back to proper grown-up sleep patterns…well I got shingles, didn’t I!!


  1. I can absolutely relate to the 'rage' brain setting which I barely manage to suppress each morning. Oh dear my poor family. xoxo

  2. I sometimes wonder how much sleep I really should be getting given that, when provided with the opportunity i.e holidays and soccer free weekends, I sleep for 10hours no worries. Would I add years to my life if I could always adopt my natural sleep requirement?
