Saturday 21 April 2012

Sunday 22nd April

We are still on the boat.  This is very pleasant, in a camping-without-much-stuff way.  Most of our things are either at Pete’s house, or at Katy and Jeff’s.  I do have enough toiletries here, after an emergency dash to the nearest pharmacy, but I am having to rinse out my clothes and wear them day after day.  With a bit of luck…nobody is really noticing…

The early morning walk to the bathroom facilities is OK because the weather is benign.  I don’t think I would enjoy it in freezing sleet or howling gales, before my first cup of tea of the day.

It is all very busy here in Lindisfarne, over the weekend..  Fishing, sailing, dragon boats, rowing.  And many codgers, old and young, working on their boats.  For Pete to get from the facilities back to 2XS takes a very long time because there are so many very pleasant boat-y conversations to be had.

Greg is still here, moored near the sailing club.  We invited him out to dinner with us on Saturday night, and, to our slight surprise, he turned us down quite vigorously.   His alternative and preferred occupation was to take to his bunk with a couple of bottles of beer and one of his 120 operas. Wagner, I think it is, this weekend.

I told you, lone sailors are a strange and different breed.

Pete also thought Greg should go to Salamanca Market.  When he told me, I said, “Nope.  Too many people.  He wouldn’t like it.”  Pete is so gregarious (unlike Non-Gregarious Greg…) he didn’t really believe me, but when Pete told Greg about his Saturday morning options, and my opinion re above, Greg laughed and said, “Women are very perceptive, aren’t they?”

So Greg had his WagnerTime while Pete and I had a lovely, and very social, weekend.

Firstly a fairy party for five year old Olivia, at beautiful Marlbrook, on the Midlands Highway.

Then a delightful dinner party on the Eastern shore – delicious food (paella, cheese, tiramisu,) with lots of fun and laughter with old friends plus a new friend or two.

And today lunch at Shippie’s with Dad and Fleur.

Back to work tomorrow… I am actually extremely tired and maybe will go to bed extremely early… Working life is not quite the same as Sailing2XS life…

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