Sunday 22 April 2012

Monday 23rd April
It seems even harder this week, to get myself to town, motivated, sitting at my desk…trying to be efficient and competent.
Every now and then I drift back to my 2XS mode of being…just drifting through the days, how nice it was… But if I start feeling sorry for myself – well then I need a good sharp kick in the shins!  I am so lucky still to have a job, especially a pleasant one with civilised, kindly people around me.  Other people go back after a year off and they don’t whinge and whine!   Recently I had a nice chat with a lovely girl who is going back to work this year, after a year of maternity leave.  And she is NOT going back to a pleasant job with civilised, kindly people around her… She is going to work in a team of highly strung over-worked people with a most difficult client group, and as well as this she will be leaving her dear sweet little Sam in child care.  She said people keep telling her she will enjoy going back to work, to get a break from her onerous home duties.  Well no…she says, trying not to be offended that they think her dear little baby is more difficult than…well than the client group she works with; I am not going to disclose details but her work life is going to be stress to the max.  So when I start feeling all pathetic about my lot in life, I just have to bring poor dear Sophie and Sam to mind!
This morning I caught a bus from Lindisfarne to town.  I had calculated the amount of time it would take me to get from 2XS to the bus stop, and indeed it was perfect timing.  To my surprise… The timetable said a bus would arrive at the stop at 8.03 and I was there at 8.02, not expecting much.  I was about to sit down and play Words With Friends on my iPhone for twenty minutes or so but…around the corner in a puff of smoke was the hyperpunctual Metro bus!  I gave a startled squawk and climbed aboard.  We were at the GPO within a quarter of an hour, well done Tas Metro!

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