Monday 23 January 2012

Tuesday 24th January
A day of rain rain RAIN, interspersed with light showers for a few minutes before more rain rain RAIN!  I had it go to the ablutions facilities early this morning in the downpour – no choice at all… I couldn’t find any of my many umbrellas so I put on a light sundress, rammed on my Tilley hat, and squelched across the salubrious café precinct of Sanctuary Cove to have my shower etc.  I was just as wet as when I stepped out of the shower when I got back to 2XS.  But it didn’t matter – it’s not in the least cold, and humans are, after all, entirely waterproof.
We had plans to replace the steering cable which has been causing a lot of unnecessary grief.  But it was far too wet all morning so we lay on couches and read books and got very dopey until the rain eased enough for us to be able to venture forth and make a provisioning trip in The Uterus to the nearby supermarket.
It is now 4pm and the rain HAD eased off enough for Pete to start removing the cable, with the occasional bit of help from me – wobble the red cable in the starboard aft locker! shouts Pete from below, while I do mental calculations – starboard…aft… aha! right…back… But as I write it has started to POUR once again…oh deary me… We are expected at Tim and Sally’s at 5.30, for drinks and Chinese take-aways.  I think they will be getting very wet and bedraggled guests.

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